Search Giant Google Has Acquired 217 IBM Patents

In the field of patent war search engine giant Google has acquired several patents from IBM or International Business Machines – according to an update, recently made by the V3 reports. This report has also unlocked the entire US Patents and Trademarks Office patent assignment database, which has claimed that Google has acquired 217 patents Read more


Facebook, Google and Apple Top Places To Work

According to a recent market research Google, Facebook and Apple are enlisted among top 10 best work places. Glassdoor has disclosed the facts in their fourth Employees’ Choice Awards ceremony. The company makes a list of 50 work places depending on the choices and opinions of nearly 250,000 employees every year. They emphasize on topics Read more


Google Upcoming Expanding Censorship Programs

In the beginning of the year Google for some unknown reason began blocking search terms related to filesharing. But the giant search engine has assured that “BitTorrent,” “RapidShare” and “Megaupload” – the famous queries will still supply valid search results if the full search term is given. Google has only removed them from their Auto-complete Read more