Intel POEM – Realtime Energy Monitoring Apps

It’s Go-Green Time ! A Windows application that could allow office staffs to perform realtime monitoring for energy consumption by their electrical devices such as desktop, notebook, scanner, printer, lighting, conditioning and more, is currently under developmental stage by the Semiconductors Giant Intel .

The application [ Personal Office Energy Monitor (POEM) ] is part of Intel work with the Positive Energy Buildings Consortium, of which the group consist of 9members contributing expertise from these fields :- Philips (lighting), Lexmark (printing), Bouygues (construction), Sodexo (building management), Intel (computing), Total (energy), Steelcase (office furniture), Siemens and Schneider Electric (smart building systems).

Those information collected by the apps by then be compare with average energy consumption with other benchmark like the whole building, certain floor, or inter-department. It is something that Intel would want to encourage workers in adopting energy-saving practices, amid growing concern of environmental issues. POEM acts as a software layer for monitoring, and perhaps could evolve into a platform of which be able to control electricity consumed by notebook, servers, printers, computers, and/or in fact any other devices that are plugged into a socket. At current stage, it is estimated that approximately 30~60% of power consumption in a commercial building gets consumed by such plugged devices load.
Intel POEM Energy Sensing

Nevertheless, POEM Apps is still much in developmental stage, but projected to be able to reach out the market somewhere next year. It is noted that Intel unlikely to sell POEM application to end-user or corporate directly ; Instead, Intel will rely heavily on its business partners to resell this technology. According Lorie Wigle, general manager of the Eco-Tech Office initiative, Intel is currently exploring options to get POEM into market. Of which one possibility route is by including software licensing model.