Creating and Using Facebook Group

If you get tired of emailing your friends with your picture, or carrying a conference to a dozen of recipients then this would be the right time to try Facebook GroupFacebook manage your activity online so you can manage your own life.  Group made so that a small group of people to communicate with each other in public or private.

Some people have a hard time using a group (I know this since, I am one of those).  Google+ takes advantage of this and sells their site by means of it. Groups created from the beginning, so there is not the need for reverse engineering.

I just found out how to use Facebook Group.  Here, are the basic steps that one should follow to create your own group.  Go to the upper corner of the Facebook page. Located below News; there one could found Group, which is of course, filled with lists of groups that you follow.  Underneath it, one can find the option Create Group, clicking it will allow you to create your own group.

Afterwards, you are with a dialog box with three sections. The first one, prompting you to create a label for the group, including a menu of non-compulsory icons on display, which can be seen next to the group name. The second allows you key in the names of Facebook friends to add up to the group. The third allows you to adjust the group’s privacy. Set on default, so other people on Facebook can detect the reality of the group.   However, they can not see any post on the group. When you leave the privacy to Open other Facebook users can see the posts.  The third option – Secret prevents anyone that is not a member of the group to see any information about the group.

Once the group existed, you can do anything that you are doing on your own wall.  On the right-hand side of page, the useful functions can be found. Go Online to Chat allows one start a conversation with only members of the group. Create Doc allows one to edit and share a text document with the group that they can also edit. Create Event lets one create an event that can be private to the group, or public to anyone on Facebook, and can offer invites for everyone in the group.

If one notice that you get added to a group, that you never follow then you can easily remove it by clicking on the – Leave Group option.