Does The Google-Motorola Deal Signify The End Of Open Source Android?

The offshoots of Google-Motorola deal are doing aggressive rounds among technology experts. According to a majority of experts, Google’s acquisition of Motorola might signify the end of open source Android and begin the era of Android phones manufactured by Google. Many are of the opinion that Google bought Motorola to be better equipped to fight patent suits against Apple inc. If android ceases to be a free for all operating system, it could mean that some other operating system will be gainer and will take its place. As of now, the biggest option available is Windows 7. However, in the light of the fact that Microsoft now has a partnership with Nokia, the future of Windows 7 is to be watched out for.

Nokia has also made a statement with regard to the Google-Motorola deal saying that mobile phone manufacturers are likely to turn to Windows 7, now that Android will probably not be available. However, phone manufacturers such as Samsung and LG have brought out phones powered by Windows 7 operating system but their phones have not met with high demands. Carriers are also not very enthusiastic about Windows 7 mobile operating system. In the meanwhile, Google has not made any statement on changing the status of its Android and as of now, it still remains a free software. However, Google has made subtle changes as well. It has tied down Android and made usage restricted.

The major partners of Android, which are HTC, LG and Samsung, have begun to make subtle but definite advances over Android. In a breaking news today, HTC has offered unlocked phones to its customers. By unlocking the phone, it is easier to mess with the software. However, experts are of the opinion that HTC might not have unlocked its phone with the intention of causing problems to Android. Samsung has also gone ahead and hired an important Android executive. The actual consequences of this deal are not very clear as yet and so are the reasons why Google had to acquire a phone manufacturer for $12.6 billion, when Android was one of most widely used operating systems by a majority of the biggest brands. While some say that this is about the patent fight, others say that it is time that Google brought out a handset powered by Android under its own banner. The repercussions in the market will only be evident after the first of the Google-Motorola mobiles comes into the market.