It can be found that each and every time your organization may need to utilize network projectors for meetings and conferences purposes. But you have to remember if you want to use these projectors then the first and foremost thing is connect your computer to the local network and in this matter also you may need to allow the entire communication process to pass through the Windows Firewall.
Now you are thinking how to do that? I know that very well, but need not to be worry, here in the following tutorial you are going to learn step by step how to do that, so just read the rest article carefully and attentively, I believe with the help of this you can easily do that:
- Click on the Start button of your keyboard.
- Move your cursor towards All Programs
- Again move it towards Accessories.
- Do select Connect to a Network Projector from this tab.
- Now you will be prompted by the Windows Firewall.
- Allow the permission to connect to a network projector just by clicking yes button.
- Do specify how you will connect the projector- Search for a projector and Enter the projector address.
- If you make up your mind to select Search for a projector then the wizard will produce a list of available projectors.
- Just select your desired projector or input your password (if necessary).
- Click on the connect button.
- Moreover if you set up your mind to Enter the projector address then do input the address for the projector and additionally input Projector password, if recommended.
- Do right click on the connect button again.
- This is a very simple procedure, just try it today and enjoy.