Increase Web Browsing Speed With OpenDNS

It happen every time when you  give an input domain name such as in your browser then your  computer first converts this domain name into an IP address of that server in order to download the web pages and supported file information. Windows always uses DNS or domain name server for looking up that information.  Additionally by default windows also uses an ISP’s DNS server and the performance of DNS resolving server varies by depending on each service provider. There some large national service providers also, those are well known to provide unreliable and slow DNS servers.

Generally DNS server uses a one complement that affects your internet browsing speeds. As every domain name you type in your computer always resolved into an IP address, so the amount time will delay the loading of any web page. If your ISP DNS is overloaded then you can see delays in multiple seconds before the web pages starts to load.

An OpenDNS always provides free additional DNS server that can be used by any internet service provider. So if you setup your mind for using OpenDNS servers instead of your default ISP servers you can increase your internet browsing and loading the web page speed  by cutting down on the delay length between a resolve domain name and getting correspondence IP address .


Here is a simple procedure that works both Windows XP and Windows Vista are as follows:

  1. Click on your start button and select “run”.
  2. Type ncpa.cp and hit enter.
  3. Do right click on your default or active network connection and select properties.
  4. Then from the Networking / General tab search Internet protocol and select Properties.
  5. On the Networking properties screen type the following:
    1. DNS server address –
    2. Alternative or preferred address-
  6. Hit on the OK button twice.
  7. If you do the previous correctly your process are finished successfully
  8. So just do it and enjoy.