Sprint Nextel, the tech company that has teamed up with RIM to sell the 7 inch display boasting Blackberry Playbook has scrapped plans for the launch of Playbook 4G. Earlier this year Rim had declared the launch of the 4G version of the Playbook, but Sprint today dismissed any chances of the anticipated launch of the 4G version. The company said in a statement today that it wants to apologize for any inconvenience caused, but it no longer wants to be associated with the yet to be launched 4G version of the Playbook. Sprint also said that this was a mutual decision between RIM and Sprint.
The Wi-Fi model however still remain available in the market mentioned the company. RIM on the other hand said that they are themselves planning to launch 4G and 4GPlayback models are already undergoing tests in the lab and the company plans to apply for network certifications later this fall for U.S and international markets. The RIM 4G versions would be based on LTE technology, unlike the WiMax technology used by Sprint.
Sprint might have cancelled plans to launch the Playbook 4g from its stable but it already has a 4G tablet available in the market by the name of the HTC Evo View 4G. That would remain to be the only 4G offering from Sprint for the near foreseeable future. A spokeswoman for Sprint mentioned that customers could avail 4G network on a Playbook by teaming the device with Overdrive Pro from Sierra Wireless, the Novatel 3G/4G MiFi or any other product that supports 4G. She was quick to mention that this offers more flexibility to the users as they don’t need to remain confined to a specific device to avail the service.
As of now the Wi-Fi tablets under the Sprint umbrella include the much successful Galaxy Tab 10.1 from Samsung, the Motorola Xoom and the Playbook. The most successful tab by far in the market is Apple’s iPad and it has by far not allowed anyone else to get a toe hold in the tab market. Samsung has been successful to some extent, but others are still struggling to see the magic figures. Rim also has not been that successful with its Playbook in a market overcrowded with products from Motorola, Samsung, Toshiba, Acer, Asus and others. During a recent announcement RIM mentioned that it has shipped more than 500,000 tablets, but also mentioned that the Playbook has not been as successful as anticipated.