McAfee Report Claim Google Android as the Platform Most Attacked By Malware

Latest reports by McAfee, the security maker for computer systems, say that Android is the platform that is most attacked by malware when compared to any other platform. According to the report, in the second quarter, there was a 76% increase in the attacks by malware on android devices. This is the highest attacked mobile platform. The other major operating system, iOS developed by Apple Inc is much safer. Security concerns regarding Android devices have been doing round since the very beginning. The attacks on android are easier because the app store of the operating system does not apply stringent screening measures before allowing apps in the store. This is also the reason why companies and corporate offices prefer using Apple devices.

According to the vice president of McAfee Labs, Vincent Weafer, 2011 is the year which has recorded the maximum malware attacks on mobile operating systems. He also said that the frequency, intensity and magnitude of attacks increase with the popularity of the platform. More popular platforms are more likely to be attacked and since Android is the top mobile operating system, the attacks on it are more. Add to that the lenient rules of Android, and it becomes a ripe platform for various malware attacks.

Last year, the most attacked platform was Nokia Symbian. This year, Android beat Symbian to take the top spot of the most vulnerable operating system. The results of the second quarter should act as an eye opener for Google and measures have to be taken to make the platform secure. however, according to experts, now that Google has bought Motorola and will perhaps bring out its own range of Android phones, extra security measures are very likely. Increased vulnerability to malware can cause a serious drop in sales. In the past, malware has been known to get into android systems through the extremely popular Angry Birds game. Mobile malware developers are having a field day trying to creep malware into Google Android.

The repercussions of this vulnerability could be enormous. With the increase in cyber crime, android platforms could be seriously affected. It was only in the recent past that one developer smuggled a malware, which sent stored information in the mobile back to the developer, into a gaming app on android. Such reports are not unheard of and in the light of an increase in malware developers, Google needs to take strict action at the earliest in order to secure the platform.