Intel got new low powered processor

This week, Intel’s researchers debuted their brand new solar processor. They claim that the new processor is capable of running even by the little battery since it needs a small electricity to run it.

The chip “Claremont” — known as a near-threshold energy processor, allowing transistors to operate at super-low, near “threshold” voltages to intensify efficiency and reduce energy consumption. A level, that could be run in such small electricity.


AMD Plans on Staying with the Tablet Market

AMD not interested over the Smartphone industry, as they are more interested in the tablet industry.

Rick Bergman, SVP and GM of AMD’s products group told a meeting that the chip designer has no plans to get into the Smartphone market for now as their graphics expertise was not for the Smartphone market. They are just going to improve the upcoming AMD’s Z-series and push X86 into the tablet market.