Wants To Speed Up Internet Explorer 8 Load Time In Windows 7-Follow This

Internet explorer is one of the most common features of every Windows. But when a user starts his Internet Explorer a long load time creates a big problem and it is also now a day a common issue of all. This generally happens when the third party add-ons are either protected or packed up with Read more


Vanish The Date From The Taskbar In Windows 7

All the time Windows 7 displays the date next to the time display in the notification area of your taskbar or system tray which is a by default features in this operating system. But you can not do anything with this though you always want to hide the date from the taskbar and save display Read more


Hide Windows Partition/Drive Keep Your Data Be Safe

Many people want their data to be unavailable to others mainly when some other’s uses their computer but they failed to do so. Though there are some easy options available to do such as hide files and folders, encrypt data, using password protected account or moving user data to the removable media like pen drive, Read more