England given a huge fund for superfast broadband rollout

England is receiving a huge share from the £530m pot, which has been created by the government to fund the rolling out of super fast broadband fibers. The kitty has been specifically designed to help in the funding of the rollout of fibers for broadband with speed higher than 25mbps particularly in rural areas. The aim of the government is to enable almost 90% of the UK population to access the high speed internet service by 2015. The main focus is on the rural areas where the market will not deploy superfast connectivity on its own and of its own accord. Another use of the fund will be made to cover the government’s universally made commitment to ensure that every UK citizen has access to at least 2mbps broadband connection. England Counties will get a total of about £294.8m from the government’s pot.

Scotland has been given £68.8m. These figures have been announced by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The government has published the details of the allocation and has listed out the allocation made to each county. Devon and Somerset are on the top of the list with £31.32m allocated to it. Next is North Yorkshire with £17.84m which is followed by Cumbria with £17.13m. London has not been allocated any amount as the government strongly believes that the private sector can provide for its needs. The government feels that the private sector in London is strong enough to support the funding of the rollout of superfast broadband fibers. To gain access to the pot of investment the local authorities need to draw a broadband delivery plan and also match the investment of the Government with the European, or private or their own funding. A DCMS spokesperson said that English Counties in other regions will be allocated the funds by the regional government.
superfast broadband rollout

The remaining amount of the government’s kitty which is about £105.1m has been set aside as a contingency fund. This means that £105.1m have been saved after allocating an amount to each county. The DCMS spokesperson said that the additional amount of the funds which is the contingency fund can also be used to help in the funding of additional broadband related projects. One such project is the Rural Community Broadband Fund which has been set up by the Defra to help in the expansion of broadband rollouts in rural areas of England.