Twitter Feed Of NBC News Hacked

Few days earlier a group of hackers wrote on the news station feed that a civilian aircraft had been hijacked and crashed into the World Tread Center, though it was a pretty old incident, happened a long years ago on the date of 11 September 2011, but few days earlier it has completed 10 years.

On the other hand it can also be described as an offshoot of the world best hacking group like Anonymous and Lulzsec, though they have taken all the responsibilities on them quickly. They have also announced that they were hacked Fox News Twitter Feed on 4 th July 2011, which was claimed that US president Barack Obama had been fatally shot.

Short Look What Was Exactly In That Tweet?

  • A breaking news, Ground Zero has been attacked, that’s why Flight 5736 has been crashed into the World Tread Centre, which is now suspecting as a hacking.”
  • Three minutes after another tweet has stated “Flight 4782 is not responding, suspected to hacking, a plane crashed Ground Zero site at 5.47.”
  • Few minute after third tweet has said “It is not a matter of jock – we are doing this only for taking attention of the reporters over this matter.”

Though, a minutes later The Script Kiddies has claimed all the responsibilities. While these tweets came in front of NBC News, they immediately removed it, but before that it was presented there for a few minutes. With the sequence to the entire fact Brian Williams, anchor of NBC News has stated “We are now working with the Twitter feed issue, that’s why we apologies for what has happened little ago.”

Though, FBI officers are now investigating on this matter, but yet they have not got any evidence related with this case.