A news of threat for millions of Facebook users. Facebook is keeping their confidential deleted data. Max Schrems, who is a 24 years old Australian law student has found that Facebook has kept 1200 pages of his confidential data, which he deleted. He was on a exchange program at Santa Clara University in California. When he requested the copy of data after he attended a lecture. Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg hosted the program. When he got his CD of the copy of the requested data he found that the giant social networking site was still holding the informations about his three years old account about which he had already deleted many data.
Those 1200 pages contained rejected friend requests, records of removing friends from his friend list, complete deleted conversations. The pages also had records of tagged images of him, poked records, email addresses of his friends and more over every event to which he responded and attended. These were very confidential and personal data of a person.
Max Schrems has said in an interview that Facebook kept the records of highly personal messages that he had deleted and if those messages became public that could harm his reputation. He said Facebook was not acting like a simple social network such as CIA or KGB. Facebook had no right to keep data about people as having data about their personal life meant to have power over him.
The responsible student has also logged 22 separate complaints with the Irish data protection minister. They were to start its first audit of facebook next week. They have assured that they would look into the case and found out the flaws. If they found truth in the complaint Facebook would have to pay up to € 100000. As Owen Tripp explains on his site, keeping an eye on your data online is very important to your personal life and business life.