Facebook Inc. want to find out if Facebook credits has the means to establish itself as an online currency.
In order to test that notion, the social network is going to enable web sites in processing payments for virtual as well as digital goods using Facebook Credits. J??t like what it already did with Facebook.com, the social network, takes a 30% ??t ?f Facebook Credit transactions.
One site that participated in the trial ?? RealNetwork’s Gamehouse.com, selling virtual goods for the game Collapse! Blast. The games offer consumers a chance to choose t? ??? Facebook Credits in paying anything that could be bought inside the game. Matt Hulett, Gamehouse.com president, says Facebook ?? now the leading gaming platform ?n th? world. Millions of users, playing inside the social networking giant already has a credit balance. So why would they want to play a game that would require them to pay for something with another currency.
Facebook spokesman says it ensures consumers in having a consistent experience ?? one ?f th? drivers ?f Facebook’s push. They heard from developers that the ability t? offer Facebook Credits ?n th? client’s web sites w???? h??? unite th??r applications ?n ?n? ?ff Facebook.
Consumers ahs the option of buying 50 Facebook Credits f?r $5, though consumers get bonus Credits w?th bulk b???. Retailers can also join in the fun by offering their own marketing promotion in giving away some Facebook credit. An excellent example would be Shoebuy.com, the site last year worked w?th e-marketing firm Ifeelgoods in giving consumers 50 Facebook Credits whenever they buy. Shoebuy ?? N?. 87 ?n th? Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide.
However, Facebook Credits h?? thoroughly served ?? currency consumers ??n ??? in buying virtual ?n? digital goods ?n over 1,000 games ?n? applications inside the social networking giant. Despite the game industry being the primary driver that spurs consumers to ??? ?f Facebook Credits, th? payment option ?? vacant t? ??? developers. They got excited t? see h?w developers ?n? partners is going to extend Credits in offering ?th?r digital goods that include movies and the likes. F?r example, consumers ??n ??? 30 Facebook Credits just t? b?? 48 hours ?f access in streaming films fr?m movie studios ??k? Miramax Films.
Moving Credits ?ff ?f Facebook stands for ??rt ?f a broader push b? th? social network in expanding th? virtual currency’s treatment. Th? social network ?n July m??? Credits th? ?n?? payment form usual that could purchase virtual goods ?n th? social network. Last week ?t m??? Credits vacant ?? a payment option f?r mobile app developers.