PayPal the giant online payment provider has reported to build up a new app for Facebook to make the users able to send money to their buddies. The money will be channeled from the users’ bank account or the PayPal balance. PayPal has assured that they will not charge any extra charge and there won’t be any hidden charges either.
The application simply named “Send Money” can undoubtedly be described as a Christmas gift to the users from PayPal. It will surely boost up the charm of Christmas time among users. Using the application users will be able to send money as Christmas gift to their friends. In addition an electronic greetings card will be posted on the wall of the recipients on the behalf of the senders. Users are allowed to personalize the card. However the card is optional. PayPal has assured that the personal message and the amount of money users send will be kept in secret.
At present Facebook have over 800 million users. PayPal is indeed playing it intelligent to use Facebook as its means to make profit. Users are required to have a PayPal account or create a PayPal account to enjoy the service. More over ones a user uses the service he will use it again and again.
If the senders want to send a greetings card with money he will have to choose a greetings card, then personalize it using pictures, texts or video as per his choice and then put the amount of money. By logging on to the PayPal account the senders have to finish the payment procedure. After that the service will take charge. The card will be posted on the recipients Facebook wall and the money will be transferred.
On the other side if the senders do not want to send greetings card he will have to simple put the amount of money then by logging on to the PayPal account have to complete the payment procedure. Ones the payment is complete a notification will be send and the money will be transferred.