Google Now Drop Support For Old Browsers

Google is now make up its mind to drop support for the old browsers from 1st August while the news may unlikely to trouble for most of the Brits is you are still using Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, Safari 3 or Firefox 3.5, then you really too much needed to upgrade your browser before the month of august. But if you will not do that before August then it is sorry to say that you will practically lose some of the key features including Google Talk, Gmail, Google Calendar, Documents and the Sites.

They also suggest at StartCounter figures on browser usage worldwide that near about 17 percent of the global users always needed to upgrade themselves to new browsers.  Additionally Google wants to push some support for the HTML 5 tech, which the old browsers cannot run, it can only run on the upgraded or latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, IE and Google Chrome.

Necessity of it for the future use:
Venkat Panchapakesan, VP of the engineering at Google added on the Google blog earlier this week “These all new browsers are much more than just a modern convenience, so they are too much necessary for what the future exactly holds.” In that blog he also added “In case of the older browsers you may find some trouble when you will use certain features of Gmail, Google Talk, Google Maps and Google Calendar additionally this applications may stop their working entry that time.”

Amazingly from the survey it has already resulted out that till now there are 11 percent of the global internet users are now using Microsoft’s internet explorer 6 or some outdated browsers for accessing Google.