Android Overlaps iPhone Application Downloads

A recent survey has stated that in this year 2011 Google operating system Android’s application has overtaken the Apple iOS device application for the first time.

The entire thing has come into the entire lime light while an analyst house has predicted that Android application downloads overtakes the iOS application downloads for the first time in the year 2011.  With the sequence to the fact the that analyst house has also calculated the approximate amount – as they have said Android device will hit 8.1 billion by the end of 2011, while Apple iOS application will be under 6 billion till the end of this year.

But, it is not a matter of worrying to Apple, because they know very well that their iOS application downloads will have grown about three times with the comparison to 2010, while its downloads were in between 2.7 billion.

Though, the amount Android application downloads are pretty impressive in this matter, because in the year 2010 it downloads were under 1.4 billion.

Expectation is growing with it:

If everything will go on the right track they it may reach 18 billion by the New Year’s evening, which on the other hand can be said a massive leap compared with the number of 2010, but now the figure are suggesting it will be 7.4 billion.

Moreover, another news are starting to grow up regarding Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform, which has stated that the Windows Phone OS will quiet successfully overtake BlackBerry with the comparison of both no of application downloads or no of application revenues, but the twist is that it will only possible by year 2015.

From the above points it is fixed that Google’s Android Market must overtake Apple App Store by the year 2012 and here is no second word with that.