This week, Intel’s researchers debuted their brand new solar processor. They claim that the new processor is capable of running even by the little battery since it needs a small electricity to run it.
The chip “Claremont” — known as a near-threshold energy processor, allowing transistors to operate at super-low, near “threshold” voltages to intensify efficiency and reduce energy consumption. A level, that could be run in such small electricity.
In the presentation, the untried low-power processor operated on a PC running Linux OS, powered only off a solar cell with the size of a postage stamp. The processor used in concurrence with another untried project a concept DRAM called the hybrid memory cube that is a super efficient memory interface.
Intel spokeswoman Connie Brown says they used solar battery to prove how small electricity could run their new processor. However, it could run on any electricity source.
It could also use the electricity that could be generated on potato and water. These two only produces a small amount of electricity.
The research took several years and led to Intel’s near-threshold voltage-processor design. It is heat-sink free and with the ability to switch to super low thresholds all the time.
This indicates that rather than powering off entirely, a device can stay on forever with the help of an “ultra low-power state,” which preserves active processes and unlock applications — “always-on” devices.
The technology can also be used in developing “zero-power” architectures “where power consumption is so low that the power could supply an entire device from solar energy.
NTV could discover itself in a host of application, which ranges from processors and mobile devices used in embedding devices, appliances and automobiles.
For years, device manufacturers always concerned about the power needed to supply devices.
So far, Intel has had some problems finding its way into portable devices as power consumptions is always an issue. Its low-power rival ARM dominates in the field, even threatening to oust it as the processor in Apple laptops and desktops.
However, Intel has planned to offer Atom processors and Oak Trail processors, have become much well-organized. Intel’s current, the Tri-Gate 3-D “Ivy Bridge” transistor, also denotes a significant enhancement, both in design, and in its 30% step up in performance.
NTV is a considerably bigger step than these profitable processors. The technology outcomes it’s in a 5 to 10x improvement in energy use.
However, the new processor comes with no problems. As electrical noise presented, logic level readings can be incorrect.