Simple Way To Pin Recycle Bin on the Taskbar Of Your Windows 7

If you are a Windows 7 user then you know very well that Windows 7 does not allow to pin anything directly on its taskbar, because it is a by default nature of this operating system. Even if you already tried to ping Recycle Bin then you must notice that instead of a separate icon it is already pinned under the Windows Explorer program. So if you really do not know the procedure then need not to be worry I am here to teach you how you can do that.



Here is a simple step by step procedure, just follow the steps:

  1. Do right click anywhere on your Windows 7 desktop.
  2. Select New option.
  3. Then select shortcut.
  4. In the item box type location type the following: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder
  5. After that hit on the next button.
  6. Then you find an option for inserting the name of the icon, there type Recycle Bin.
  7. Next click on the finish button.
  8. If you do the previous properly shortcut will be created, but remember it will not have the right icon as you expect.
  9. So right click on the shortcut button and select properties.
  10. Then click on the changes icon as directed in the following picture:RecycleBinTaskbar2
  11. In the target field type or pest the following: %SystemRoot%\system32\imageres.dll
  12. Next hit Enter and select the Recycle Bin icon.
  13. And make a click on the OK button.RecycleBinTaskbar3
  14. Now the now shortcut onto the taskbar will be printed successfully and permanently. So after that if you want you can delete the original from your desktop icon.