HP wants to keep personal computer unit

Hewlett-Packard Co. finally decided to spin off and sell their PC division — a plan first brought to light in August by the technology multinational’s now former CEO.

HP said Thursday that they have come to the decision after a long evaluation regarding the impact to the company of jettisoning the business unit considered the world’s biggest manufacturer of desktop and notebook computers for consumers and businesses.


Big companies are into cloud spending now that computer sales staggers

Big U.S. Internet computing companies ought to surpass their plainer PC cousins when revenue season kicks off next week, as corporations and fast-growing Web players dramatically speed up their rate of hardware expenses.

Corporations are gradually more turning to new technology in making themselves more productive in a downtrodden global economy. In the meantime, a social networking and e-commerce boom spurs massive outlays on the giant server factories, powering Internet computing.