Twitter vs Social Networks

Twitter is very different from Facebook and Google+. Facebook and Google+ are basically social networks whereas, Twitter is much more than that it is an information network. This is a big distinction between Twitter and other social networking sites. A social network is a platform where people are connected by acquaintance whereas; an information network Read more


Chavez Rules Homeland via Twitter

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has been holding that position since the year 1999 and has been successfully ruling the country since, is now controlling his administration via Twitter. The former United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) leader was diagnosed with an unspecified cancer earlier this year. While he is undergoing treatment in Cuba, Twitter Read more


Microsoft Unveils Kinect For Windows SDK Beta Platform

Microsoft has keep their promise by making the Kinect for the Windows SDK beta platform, which is now available for download, aside from that which also enabling the programmers in order to create application for the PC utilizing motion sensing technology. Not only that this non commercial