Twitter And Facebook Are Causing “Identity Crisis”

A warning has come from the group of expert which has stated that in the recent few days social networking platform like Twitter and Facebook are providing rise to a generation of self-obsessed people, in short who always want to constant reassurance from their piers.

By keeping link with the above fact Baroness Greenfield, professor of pharmacology at the university of Oxford, has claimed “In general all of the common people always exposing themselves to the social networking platforms in order to crave the attention of others, which here are creating an ‘identity crisis’.

But the main matter of fact came while she declared that too much used of the social networking website platforms and video games might somehow rewire the human brain.  Which eventually followed people who in general were depending too much on social networking platform for social acceptance might get a reduced concentration span. Apart from that this even could develop their need for instant gratification and poor non verbal skills including maintaining of the eye contact with others, at the time of face to face interaction.

Linking up with the fact Baroness Greenfield have stated “The thing which usually concerns me is the so much banality, which are going out through out the Twitter. So, why should someone be interested in it than their having of breakfast? Apart from that it is also reminding me a child recent conversation with his mother “Child: Look at me Mummy, I am doing this in Tweeter” ”.

Later she also added that this happens here due to the different kinds of identity crisis, which in short wrap the human brain for a sudden period of time.

The more interesting news in this regard is that last month Facebook has crossed more than 750 users and Twitter has become the most effective communication tools for millions of users worldwide.