World’s First Plane Created Using 3D Printer

A team of engineers have now made a revolutionary airline manufacture just by creating an arrow plane with the help of a revolutionary technology.

This revolutionary technology is known as 3D printing technology. In this regard  the Daily Mail has reported that this team of engineers have built up this aircraft just by using only a computer, but the most interesting thing in it is that it can get its top speed up to 100mph and is associating with a two-meter wingspan.

Before making this entire aircraft the engineers have used a special nylon laser printer, which print out they have used step by step at the time of making this beautiful aircraft.

The entire parts of its have made separately and there after have attached together with the help of a ”snap fit” technique, that’s why this aircraft can be put together within a minute without taking help of any tool.

This unnamed and electrically powered based aircraft is quiet being able to make its flight in silence and the more interesting thing is that, this aircraft is equipped with a miniature autopilot system.

This entire technology always allows a highly tailored aircraft to be made from the concept to the first flight in days, whether the using of conventional techniques and materials indicates that it will take a month to be developed. Most interestingly the aircraft does not need for any kinds of tool at the time of manufacture, which at the other hand indicates that the radical charges at the time of scaling and shaping of this aircraft can be made without losing any extra cost.

With the sequence to the fact Professor Jim Scanlon, the lead author of this study, has stated “The entire process always allows the entire designing team for revisiting on its historical techniques and ideas, which would be expensive if they have used conventional manufacturing technique here.”

The name of this beautiful creation is Southampton University Laser Sintered Aircraft or SULSA. Which on the other word can be said the inheritance of the using of cutting-edge manufacturing techniques.