Sony new tablet computer is a failure since it fails to meet the demands of gadget enthusiasts, tech bloggers and analysts. All agreed that price and the quality did not meet the need of people, who uses such technology. Sony is going to have a tough time competing against the other consumer electronics company.
Sony Corp has delayed the launch of its first tablet, which is going to available in stores this month, more than a year and a half after Apple Inc introduced the blockbuster iPad and nearly one year since Samsung Electronics Co Ltd presented the GalaxyTab. Samsung’s Galaxy occupies the No.2 slot in tablets that Sony is aiming.
Reviewers and analysts emphasized a high price and features, indicating Sony would remain an also-ran rather than a leader in the tablet industry. Two editions of Sony’s main tablet cost $499 and $599, the same value as two lower-end Apple iPad replicas.
Gartner analyst, Carolina Milanesi says consumers needs tablets; however, they are not ready to disburse the same amount of money that they are willing to pay for an iPad for a gadget that is not an iPad. Even if, the brand is the same people are not going to buy something that got the price of an iPad.
Sony once ruled the high-tech world in Japan when they created the Walkman and PlayStation gaming console, but now Sony is struggling under the influence of its money-losing TV division and badly wants the support that a hit product could do for the company.
The new tablet is well-distinguished from other Android players with features such as having one model operate as a global remote, as other crinkles like a clamshell and tenders entry to some first generation PlayStation games.
Tech reviewers recognized Sony for coming up with unique design such as the curvy design for the S tablet, resembling a folded-back magazine. The design makes the gadget to be easy to grasp with one hand, but the quality of the gadget suffers.
Back in January, Sony promised that they would aim for the number 2 position among the tablet market internationally. Apple is the only company that will be on top of them in the ranking.
Sony joins the completion of technology companies and hopes that their company would be on top of the rest. However, Sony now faces top competition ahead since Apple is not the only company that they should look while competing in the consumer electronic market.