In the field of patent war search engine giant Google has acquired several patents from IBM or International Business Machines – according to an update, recently made by the V3 reports. This report has also unlocked the entire US Patents and Trademarks Office patent assignment database, which has claimed that Google has acquired 217 patents of IBM in this year.
This database has also unlocked that of those 217, 188 patents are granted patents, while rest 29 were some pending patent applications. Though in this matter not too much has been disclosed yet from both sides, but it is expected that the patents must cover several topics like – presentation software, data caching, blade servers, email management and video conferencing.
As Android growth sky rocked since past few rival, that’s why Google is now concentrating on recovering its weak patents portfolio. It is true that now a day’s Google is trying hard to increase its patent, also their acquisitions and bid to acquire Motorola for $12 billion indicating their first move toward this purpose.
As Google claimed that their this new acquisition will give access over 17000 patents related to wireless and mobile technology. So it is clear that Google is now in the field of battle with other database maker Oracle.