Microsoft Claims To Use Siri-like Feature For A Long Time

Craig Mundie, the Chief Research and Strategy Officer of Microsoft at the Techonomy conference held in Tuscon in Arizona has unexpectedly claimed that Apple’s Siri is not something new, but it is a feature that Microsoft has incorporated in Windows Phone 7 years ago. While Forbes arranged an interview with him he proposed that Microsoft Read more


Google Upcoming Expanding Censorship Programs

In the beginning of the year Google for some unknown reason began blocking search terms related to filesharing. But the giant search engine has assured that “BitTorrent,” “RapidShare” and “Megaupload” – the famous queries will still supply valid search results if the full search term is given. Google has only removed them from their Auto-complete Read more


Nokia’s Next Plan To Launch Windows 8 Tab By The Next Year

Nokia’s French division manager Paul Amsellem in his communication with the newspaper Les Echos has mentioned that Nokia is going to set foot in the tablet world in the very next year. The giant Finnish mobile manufacturing company is expected to launch a tab designed with Microsoft’s Windows 8 operating system. He has mentioned that Read more