Latest BlackBerry Releases Show Sparks of Rejuvenation

Research in Motion, the creator of BlackBerry, one of the most preferred and popular phones a few years ago, has had to face the run of the mill owing to irregular development and failure to release better equipped BlackBerry devices with satisfying frequency. The company has experienced a serious drop in sales and a lot Read more


Windows 8 Will Come Out With Native USB 3.0 Supports

Software giant Microsoft has recently announced that their brand new upcoming Operating System Windows 8 is coming out in the market wearing the features of native USB 3.0 support – in short something that usually requires separate drivers until this release. By linking with the above fact in a Building Windows 8 blog post Dennis Read more


Does The Google-Motorola Deal Signify The End Of Open Source Android?

The offshoots of Google-Motorola deal are doing aggressive rounds among technology experts. According to a majority of experts, Google’s acquisition of Motorola might signify the end of open source Android and begin the era of Android phones manufactured by Google. Many are of the opinion that Google bought Motorola to be better equipped to fight Read more