Livestand, the free Ipad magazine

Yahoo started distributing an Ipad magazine, which illuminates the Internet Company’s ambitions and the recurring hiccups that have thrown its fate into doubt.

The free magazine called Livestand has an intriguing potential since se its software can be customized in pulling a deep pool of content from Yahoo’s website and other participating publishers so that it could cater to the needs of its users according to their interests.


Google And Facebook Acquired Top Position Of US Web Destinations July List

A recent survey of Total Internet Audience metric has stated that social networking giant Facebook and search giant Google were at the top place of US web destinations list in July. The entire study is related to the hybrid audience measurement data, which in short has specially built for providing insight into online activity.


Google’s employee no. 59 on early days attitude of the company

Doug Edwards, the author of I’m feeling lucky: Confessions of Google employee no. 59, told in an interview that in its early days of Google, when the people didn’t understand what the company was doing, Larry Page, co-founder of Google would ask his employees to “Play it louder” just like Bob Dylan did for ‘Judas’. Read more