Microsoft Added Internet Sharing And Voicemail Service To Mango Platform

Software giant Microsoft has recently unveiled visual voicemail service as well as internet sharing service via wireless hotspot functionality in order to increase the selling of those handsets, which at this time is running with the help of their Windows Phone 7.5 ‘Mango’ platform.


Nokia Gets A New Executive President And Chief Technology Officer In Henry Tirri

Nokia has announced the appointment of a new executive president and chief technology officer. Henry Tirri will take on the responsibilities and will also be a member of the Leadership Team of the company. The appointment was made public today. Tirri will report to Stephen Elop, the CEO and President of Nokia. Tirri will be responsible Read more


Nokia Phones Now House Movie Watching Service

A new app has been released that will enable users to watch blockbuster movies on their mobile phones. The app has been released by the Scandinavian company specializing in online film service, Voddler. The app is specially created for the phones that work on Symbian platform. To watch movies, users need to have the upgrade Read more